Miami Reef Initiative Corp. is a 501(c)3 charitable organization. We formed this initiative with purpose of restoring the reefs in Miami-Dade County with a specific focus on the area from the southern point of South Beach north to the Miami-Dade County line. The area is in need of more attention.
Our goal is to restore this part of the reef as well as conserve what is currently there while educating people on the existence of the reef (many people do not know a reef exists in this area) and how their actions impact the reef.
In order to do all of this effectively, we would want to be able to conduct studies, hopefully create nurseries, outplant, conduct research to develop disease resistance coral to the current stony coral tissue loss disease and eventually take volunteers and individuals to the site to show them what is close to their shore along with conducting community events to help spread the word of our efforts.
However, in order to achieve our goals we would need better access to the site and, of course, funding to better promote our goals through scientific research, education programs such as hopefully partnering with Miami-Dade county public schools, and conservation activities like reef & beach cleanups.
Senen Garcia
SG Law Group
Les Burke
Founder Jr Scientists in the Sea
Krish Thakker
Attorney at Law & Certified Rescue & Advanced Open Water Diver/First Aid Responder
Dr. Charlie Gregory
Aquatic Veterinarian
Non-profit Founder
Education and Outreach
Victoria Tubbs
Head of Accounting at ALTON
Divemaster/Instructor (training)
Co-Founder of Florida Blue Divers
Alex Paez
Analytics and Reporting at University of Miami Health System
Certified Advanced Open Water